About Natural Light
U.S. Sky


There are very few things as welcoming in a home or office as sun light. Rooms filled with natural light appear more beautiful, spacious and move the spirit within each of us. When you add fresh air through natural ventilation, you have created a place that transforms the standard conventions of most rooms being designed today. Spaces that take advantage of these gifts from nature not only add overall quality to your life, they add value to office or residence. At US SKY (and our sister company Brother Sun) we specialize in helping our customers visualize their dreams, utilizing the power of the sun and the earth.

When you consider some of the following information, it just makes great sense to add natural light and ventilation into the design of you next home, home addition, remodel, or new commercial office space.

Sunlight helps to regulate our natural body clock
Students perform significantly better in environments where natural light is more prevalent than artificial light
Sunlight can including assist in the healing a number of skin problems, including eczema, acne, and psoriasis
American Companies lose as much as $22.5 BILLION each year to lost productivity due to poor lighting and ventilation
Sunlight is a natural source of Vitamin D, which helps to strengthen teeth and bones, and can help battle osteoporosis
Electric lighting accounts for over 20% of the electrical consumption in the United States, nationwide
Cooling a home in the warmer months of the year accounts for over 33% of power consumption during these peak periods
Venting Skylights strategically placed can help control heat gain and increase airflow

So, not only are you benefiting from the natural light of the sun, you are making decisions that help to reduce energy consumption required for artificial lighting and cooling. If you are looking to be more eco-friendly, and truly want to build green friendly, there is no better place to start than with a plan that incorporates the sustainability of natural light and air into your design.The author of this piece and US SKY would like to thank Velux America and their wonderful products and informative website, which provided some of the inspiration for this discussion.

U.S. Sky Sure Seal Glazing System
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About Natural Light
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U.S. Sky

U.S. Sky Sure Seal Glazing System Handles sealing and drainage challenges — 505-471-5711
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